

Therapists/Counsellors/Psychologists  come in all shapes, sizes, life experiences, belief systems, methods , techniques & specialisations. My therapy method is more holistic. I find functionality in both the negative & positive emotions.

I have a realistic solution focused therapy which is sustainable in the long run. I also focus on the process of 'Individuation' that is self identity, self esteem & self discovery.

I take help from science may it be evolutionary or quantum science as well as spirituality & mythology  in my practice.

Psychology as a subject is culturally sensitive & I integrate that into my therapy. 

Aanya Jai


Counselling For Self-Discovery

Empowering Change

Counseling for Self-Discovery


Pro Behave counselling is a part of the Pro Behave initiative where the endeavour is to catalyse change through Self-Discovery & make psychology a part of everyday life.

Through our founder Aanya Jai, Pro Behave has been associated with more than 40 Government & non-government organisations and Start - Ups. Pro Behave has gained insights & learnings from Neoteric intellectuals creating breakthroughs in understanding human behaviour world wide.

With an 10,000 + follower base, Pro - Behave is at its nascent stage to change how we understand ourselves & the world around us


We all are on a journey of self-discovery. In my experience of more than a decade I have seen eight out of ten individuals be curious about human behaviour and mind. This inherent need to understand ourselves and the world around us and make meaning of it, is present in all of us.

We all are in a process of turning over a new leaf as we transition from one phase of life to another. The human condition can be experienced either painfully or one can embrace the transition knowing that there exists in nature and in life, healing aspects that can bring in magic and healing which you never thought existed.

All you need is a different perspective. Pro Behave will extend that support to promote your curiosity about human behaviour.


Don't Take Our Word For It


In just a few sessions with Aanya, I have been able to recognise and reconsider some patterns in life, my family as well as myself. She effortlessly creates a safe space where one feels free to express themselves. Personally, I struggle with putting words to my emotions and  feelings, recognizing them or even acknowledging them; Aanya's ability to see through the walls I put up through a compassionate lens is therefore commendable.


Maharastra, Mumbai


It has been a great journey. Aanya handles her clients with the utmost respect and confidentiality. Her wide knowledge of specifics of psychology, such as trauma therapy, etc., gives her an advantage over any other therapist.




Aanya ma’am is excellent at asking insightful, quality questions which actually helped me answer my own questions regarding the relationship patterns that keep repeating, acknowledging them, and improving upon them in order to achieve a sense of greater emotional well-being with her support, above all.




I have been able to recognize and reconsider some patterns in life, my family, and myself. Personally, I struggle with putting words to my emotions and feelings, recognizing them, or even acknowledging them; Aanya’s ability to see through the walls I put up through a compassionate lens is therefore commendable.

Rinesha More


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Free 15 min call

Are you curious about how to go ahead with your first therapy session or then not sure if I would be the right therapist for you in your journey? Then get in touch & we can have a free 15min introductory call.

Book a session

A typical session with me is of about 60min over audio/video, if you are looking at in person - currently I am taken clients in person only at our Indore branch & with prior appointments.

The Subtle Language of our Logo

The Story Behind Our Logo


Symbolic Layers of the Authentic Self

It's we who put meaning to what we see. For me the logo represents three aspects.

The centre is the core self that remains authentic in it self the shades of blue and green represent consciousness  and growth. The dots around it is the dynamic nature of our personality which is always in a state of flux, cradling us.


Self & Society: A Balancing Act

Another representation is of the self and society. The central obround shape represents the individual, the self, and the dots the society.

The fine balance that one needs to draw between the two, how society affects the individual and how the individual interacts with the environment.

The socio-cultural- political-economic and psychological aspects, the nature and nurture aspects. 


Psych Flow: Start, Change, Begin

The obround shape, in a flowchart in programming, represents start and end. In my journey I have had a multi disciplinary approach to psychology.

The whole shape together also looks like a start button, representing new beginnings, changing unhealthy patterns of behaviour and switching on to the version of yourself that you feel most content with.

Therapy with Aanya



Therapists/Counsellors/Psychologists  come in all shapes, sizes, life experiences, belief systems, methods , techniques & specialisations. My therapy method is more holistic. I find functionality in both the negative & positive emotions. I have a realistic solution focused therapy which is sustainable in the long run. I also focus on the process of 'Individuation' that is self identity, self esteem & self discovery.

I take help from science may it be evolutionary or quantum science as well as spirituality & mythology  in my practice. Psychology as a subject is culturally sensitive & I integrate that into my therapy. 


With 25 years of education expeirence, Angie is passionate about seeing lives change. Education is transformative. It encourages imagination, critical thinking, and interest in knowledge. It also provides opportunities for high-paying jobs, personal contribution, and fulfillment.

Angie holds a Masters in Education, a Masters in Marriage and Family Therapy, and is completing a Ph.D. She is currently the President of Life Pacific University. 


Aanya specialises in Psycho-Education & her endeavour is to make Psychology a part of everyday life with an interdisciplinary approach. She has two published books - A book of poems categorised based on Carl Jung’s Archetypes & the other book which was co-authored, navigates the therapeutic process involved in healing with real life case studies.

Policy making intrigues her, so does Entrepreneurship , Module Development, Design Thinking integration, Ideation, R&D roles in the Education and Mental health sectors.


In her methodologies she relies on - Person centred approach, Internal Family System, Trauma informed Approach, Psychotherapy, Narrative therapy. In 2017 she completed the Women Entrepreneurship Programme at IIMB and was selected for their launchpad programme. In 2014 she completed a course in Self and Society, a Cultural History of Psychology at Harvard Summer School .

She submitted her  paper titled 'Efficacy of Imagination in Children and Adults', during her stay at the Summer School. She has a double Masters Degree in Psychology and Public Administration and has been a member of The British Psychological Society. 

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